Warm, Natural or Pure White?

By LED Lighthouse

Unlike halogen bulbs, LEDs offer a choice of light colour. With white light, there is a choice between warm white, natural white, pure white and cool white. The colour temperature of the light emitted is measured in Kelvin.

What’s the difference between Warm, Natural, Pure and Cool White?

Unlike halogen bulbs, LEDs offer a choice of light colour. With white light, there is a choice between warm white, natural white, pure white and cool white. These different light shades are assigned Kelvin ratings. A low Kelvin rating is assigned to warmer shades of light, a higher rating denotes a cooler shade of light. Typically, warm white is around 3000 Kelvin. Cool white is around 6000 Kelvin. Both natural white and pure white sit inbetween these 2 figues.


Warm White has a warm glow with a slightly yellow tint producing a similar light to that produced by halogen bulbs. Natural white is a little cleaner in appearance with just a hint of warmth. Pure White is a clean white without any warmth. Cool white produces a light similar to daylight, with a slightly blue tint. Some people like the cool white, while others like the more traditional warm white; it’s a personal choice. Have a look at which lights we recommend for Kitchens, Bedrooms or Outdoor Lighting.


We recommend our Warm White bulbs and LED strips if you want to replace your old halogen bulbs and switch to LED while keeping a similar light shade. If you prefer a modern clean look, the cooler shades of white may be a good option. These cooler shades of white light also mimic natural light which stimulates the brain to be more productive and therefore we recommend these types of light to be used in offices, schools or around the home.

It’s also worth noting that the higher the kelvin rating of the bulb, the more light it produces (but only slightly). This is because the Cooler white LEDs require less yellow phosphor coating in converting the original cool colour light of the LED to a warmer shade of white.

Around the home, the cooler shades of white LED light are often found in bathrooms and kitchens. Warm white is usually used in bedrooms and living areas. Our selection of Ultra Warm LED strip lights are ideal for giving a very warm light and creating a cosy, warm atmosphere.

Customising Colour Temperatures



LED Driver Calculator

By LED Lighthouse

Try our LED Driver calculator to work out the size of the LED power supply required for your LED installation.

More Resources

By LED Lighthouse

Below are a few useful guides to helping you choose the right LED lighting for you project. Please feel free to contact us with any questions.

About LED Lighthouse

Specialist supplier of quality LED lighting

Established in 2011, we are dedicated to supplying quality LED lighting at an affordable price. We offer LED Lights and components from some of the best manufacturers including Integral, Samsung, Epistar, Meanwell and Ltech.
Due to customer demand, in recent years we've grown to specialise in LED Strip Lights and associated parts, developing many of our own products.